Chad Waters on 24 Jan 2015 13:44:29 -0800 |
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Re: [PLUG] Boxes for Internet in Garage? |
Its for Verizon FiOS service. If you don't use them then you can safely unplug the battery and the outlet.
Unlike POTS lines, FiOS needs power. The battery is a backup in case you lose electric service.
I have the same thing mounted in my basement.
Okay, thanks for your thoughts! Here are some pictures, in order from
the street to the garage boxes.
1. In the front yard, with a pipe going into the ground and a coax
cable going right through the fence into the back yard.
2. Shot of #1 opened.
3. In the back yard, coax running from the left, split into three: one
up and into the house to our modem, two into the garage (probably
straight into #7). Notice another coax coming up out of the ground no
longer attached, probably an old input. Also a telephone box.
4. Up into the house.
5. Inside the telephone box. Nothing interesting here I think?
6. Inside the garage now. Power adapter I guess?
7. The thing that beeps.
I agree that #7 might be an old security alarm. The top blue button
says "Alarm Silence." But if I unplug #6 then my cable modem loses its
connection. So I guess #7 is doing more than just being a security
Any ideas? Thanks everyone---this is really fascinating figuring out
what I've got here!
On Sat, Jan 24, 2015 at 10:03 AM, Rich Freeman
<> wrote:
> On Sat, Jan 24, 2015 at 12:54 PM, Keith C. Perry
> <> wrote:
>> That actually looks like an alarm system battery. Perhaps the previous owners had a [secondary] controller box in there?
> I think a picture of the thing the battery goes into would be more helpful. :)
> I sounds like a description of a Verizon FIOS ONT. They contain
> batteries so that you don't lose landline telephone in the event of a
> power outage. Even if you discontinued service the ONT might still
> alarm when the battery wears out. You could stop it by unplugging the
> ONT from the wall and disconnecting the battery.
> FIOS ONTs look like one of these:
> --
> Rich
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