Malcolm on 24 Feb 2015 11:54:20 -0800

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Re: [PLUG] Forced FIOS upgrade?

On 2/24/2015 10:31 AM, Mike wrote:
> The technician stated that the line needed to be upgraded to FIOS.  At
> first I agreed to a migration order.  But the thought subsequently
> occurred to me that they may be using this as an excuse to backdoor her
> into a service that she doesn't need - and will cost her more money.

As others have said, they will refuse to repair a copper line and
replace it with FiOS.

>From my experience, having been in this very situation, if they do this
they have to (or at least do) charge you the same rate for the FiOS line
as for the phone line (or at least phone + DSL).

They have a special "extra slow" FiOS tier just for this case (it's
still faster than DSL), and if you switch do a different plan (which of
course they try to get you to do), you can't go back.

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