Rich Mingin (PLUG) on 9 Sep 2015 17:34:55 -0700 |
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Re: [PLUG] Cheap x86 Windows tablet? |
On Wed, Sep 9, 2015 at 7:13 PM, Rich Mingin (PLUG) <> wrote:
> Surface 3 Pro is a somewhat-standard-ish Core i5/i5/i7 PC, and while it's
> possible to put Linux on it (there's an arch-surface3 mailing list I
> follow), it's far from issue-free, there are long lists of gotchas and
> sorta-working items. It's also actively hostile to booting non-MS OSes, via
> the UEFI and the difficulties in disabling Secure Boot.
Interesting. I believe MS's stated policy is to support disabling
secure boot or changing the key on x86, and to forbid this on ARM.
That largely agrees with your email, but this is the first that I've
heard that the Surface Pro has a bootloader which is hard to change
the key on. Is that really the case, or is this just like any other
EFI motherboard out there now?
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