Greg Helledy on 20 Sep 2017 11:11:18 -0700

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[PLUG] best router distros for x86?

As an aside, the mini-PC I bought off Aliexpress is disappointing; its BIOS does not support booting off its USB or network ports. The only thing it can boot off of is its single internal mSATA III port, which makes installing an OS pretty difficult. What a shame to cripple a device that way. I know I could buy an adapter, plug the mSATA III drive into another PC, install the OS on that, put it back in, and try to sort out all the hardware discrepancies, but what if I want to change the OS again someday? I guess I'll be paying to ship this one back, and get to start over again. If I buy it online, I'll have them send me a picture of the BIOS set to boot off USB.

Greg Helledy
GRA, Incorporated
P:  +1 215-884-7500
F:  +1 215-884-1385
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