bergman on 23 Oct 2017 11:10:49 -0700 |
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Re: [PLUG] Securely destroy and responsibly recycling hardware |
In the message dated: Sun, 22 Oct 2017 12:50:56 -0400, The pithy ruminations from Paul Walker on <[PLUG] Securely destroy and responsibly recycling hardware> were: => Here's a gif of Elliot wiping all his gear - looks like he puts sd / ssd / => memory in the microwave (I'm obviously not going to do that) and hits the => hard disk platters with a cordless drill. => => => => So, I have a couple questions: => => 1. Will microwaving memory or solid state storage actually render ALL data => entirely irretrievable? Sure, if the fire lasts long enough. Another question to ask is: Will microwaving a substantial volume of memory or solid state storage actually render the microwave oven entirely unusable, possibly in a violent and spectacular manner? => 2. Same question for the spinny drives - will passing a drill bit through a => hard drive actually render ALL data entirely irretrievable? Yes, for most practical purposes. No. Not if you're concerned about three-letter-agencies or NASA. I'm not in favor of drilling into drives -- the drive needs to be well secured; a cordless drill isn't going to do many drives; you end up with small sharp shards; drill bits wear out. => 3. What is the non-Hollywood way to do this (render ALL data an physical => media irretrievable)? Personally, I like to use a hydraulic press, instead of power tools. Advantages are: less noise doesn't require power low-velocity == contained debris virtually no parts to wear out. Something like: I like to mount a small press or hydraulic jack horizontally inside an old toolbox. Opposite the jack is a block of wood to raise the hard-drive to align the axle with the jack, with space behind the center of the drive to allow it to deform. A 2-ton jack is sufficient to punch the hard drive spindle right through the case of a good 5 1/4" 'Enterprise' drive, and smaller enclosures are trivial. At that point, all the platters are bent or shattered and the controller electronics are ruined. => 4. Once this is done, how do people recycle old electronics in the philly => region? Elemental: Mark => => Happy Sunday (doing some fall cleaning :) => ___________________________________________________________________________ Philadelphia Linux Users Group -- Announcements - General Discussion --