Casey Bralla on 17 Nov 2018 07:33:33 -0800
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[PLUG] Open Source Equivalent of WordPerfect
- From: Casey Bralla <>
- To: PLUG Philadelphia Linux Users Group <>
- Subject: [PLUG] Open Source Equivalent of WordPerfect
- Date: Sat, 17 Nov 2018 10:33:14 -0500
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Does anybody know if there is an open source equivalent to WordPerfect?
All the word processing programs I have tried all seem to emulate MS
Word, which I detest. I used to be able to make WP sing, but MS Word
is a burden since it tries to outsmart me and anticipate what it thinks
I want to do, instead of letting me do what I really want to do!
I've been using LibreOffice, and it's adequate, but I was hoping for more.
Anybody have any suggestions?
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