jeff on 16 Jan 2019 09:42:19 -0800 |
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[PLUG] time to reinstall |
Remember a while back I noticed certain processes eating up 60% of cpu? After serious detective work, I found Interesting Stuff. 5 processes phone OVH hosting, with multiple address ranges NetMgr seems fond of Virgin MediaWhen FF comes up, it visits some film festival in Canada (per netstat, but not viewed in FF).
I firewalled everything and am ready to reinstall, but what is this and where did it come from? No amount of searching turns up anything. Miner?
Nothing from any scanner or rkhunter.A packet cap turned up a tiny amount of what looks like obfuscated code, featuring 'blobs'. I guess I have the Blobs.
"{"method":"login","params":{"login":"49WAk6Txxxxxxxxxxxxxxetc" "jsonrpc":"2.0"
{"blob":"0909d49xxxxxxxxxxx, "job_idxxxxx' Aside from that, everything's fine. ___________________________________________________________________________ Philadelphia Linux Users Group -- Announcements - General Discussion --