Floyd Johnson via plug on 19 Jan 2021 07:18:06 -0800

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Re: [PLUG] mount -t cloudfs ?

I'm looking for a more effective workaround for "the eMMc was too small for my purposes" than plugging in a USB stick that hopefully won't bend due to being overlength or suffer a silicon failure as is oft reported on those miniature/nano form-factor USB drives.
On 1/19/21 9:58 AM, Thomas Delrue wrote:
On 1/19/21 09:45, Floyd Johnson via plug wrote:
Has anyone found a satisfactory way to mount cloud storage as if it were a local drive/NFS/CIFS ?
By "satisfactory", I mean
-inherently stable mount/unmount
-local apps read/write non-executable files stored in cloud-land without so much as a burp. -nowhere near a comparable amount of local RAM or disk-ish is needed to cache, say, 4 GB of cloud-land files
Can you elaborate on which _kind_ of cloud storage you'd like to mount?
Are we talking blob storage (a-la S3), long term archival (a-la Glacier), maybe just an NFS volume on some "someone-else's-computer", some non-exposed directory on a machine you can SSH into?
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