JP Vossen via plug on 23 May 2021 09:20:01 -0700

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Re: [PLUG] Looking for Model M, Model F, and beam-spring keyboards

Eric S. Raymond via plug said on Fri, 21 May 2021 12:38:23 -0400 (EDT)
If you're not sure you're looking at one of the kinds I'm after, just
ask yourself "Is this keyboard rugged enough that in the event of a
zombie apocalypse I could beat the zombies to death with it and keep
typing?"  If the answer is "yes", I probably want it.

_Resident Evil: Model M_?

I can't help with what you are actually asking about, but I'll throw out the new System76 fully open source (H/W spec, firmware, software) at

On 5/22/21 6:17 PM, Steve Litt via plug wrote:
Let me give a shoutout to another great keyboard: The keyboard that
came with the Kaypro 2x. This smooth-feeling lightly-springed keyboard
had almost no resistance until you hit bottom, at which time you heard a
click and simultaneously saw a character on the screen. It was
wonderful and you could type on it all day (I did).

I can't speak to this keyboard, but there are a couple of guys are work that have very clicky keyboards, and they are extremely distracting during conference calls.  I chair a bunch of calls, and I'm constantly asking people to mute or just muting them, so that's something you need to consider these days.

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