Rich Freeman via plug on 20 Dec 2021 09:52:23 -0800 |
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Re: [PLUG] Running out of disk space? |
On Mon, Dec 20, 2021 at 12:30 PM Lynn Bradshaw via plug <> wrote: > > * Use "du" with appropriate flags and current directories and show us the output Along those lines, two approaches I've found useful. First, if you're just trying to get a sense of where all your space is going and are running X then try kdirstat or baobab, and I'm sure there are alternatives. This gives you more of a visual sense of how all the space is used. It takes a long time to do the scan, but then you can navigate through it quickly as well. (If you're on windows windirstat is very useful for doing the same.) When I'm on the command line or have a sense of where I'm looking for space use I use du. A very useful way to go about this is to go into a directory you want to explore and run: du -sh * | sort -h That gives you a breakdown of how much space each subdirectory in the current directory contains. It of course still takes a while to scan if those directories are large. Instead of using * you can just list directories of interest. This is useful if you're in the root and want to avoid looking in /usr or /lib or other places where you wouldn't want to directly manage space use, and those directories have lots of small files that slow things down. The one exception I'd make to that is that you should keep an eye on /lib/modules depending on how your kernels are managed - you can accumulate a lot of old modules if you don't clean out old kernels. Distros vary on how that is managed, or if it is managed at all. Places to keep an eye on are /var and /etc, and of course /home. If you have temp directories not managed by a tmp cleaning solution those are obviously also worth looking at, though tmpfs usually ends up taking care of that if you use it. -- Rich ___________________________________________________________________________ Philadelphia Linux Users Group -- Announcements - General Discussion --