Casey Bralla via plug on 8 Jul 2022 14:09:05 -0700
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- From: Casey Bralla via plug <>
- To: <>
- Subject: Re: [PLUG] AM bye bye
- Date: Fri, 8 Jul 2022 17:08:52 -0400
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- Reply-to: Casey Bralla <>
- Sender: "plug" <>
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I was amazed at how lousy FM radio sounds. Maybe it's just the crappy
FM in my Subaru, but more likely is that I'm spoiled by CDs, Satellite,
and MP3s on my phone.
And commercials have also killed broadcast and cable TV for me. I'm 100%
streaming now. Currently, the free streams have relatively few
commercials, and they tend to be less offensive/obnoxious than cable.
(I suppose they will degrade to match TV soon, though.)
On 7/8/22 14:13, jeffv via plug wrote:
> On 7/8/22 13:54, Walt Mankowski via plug wrote:
>> Interesting! I hadn’t heard that Europe was phasing out AM radio. But
>> what do you have against FM?
> broadcast radio is dead. It just hasn't realized it yet.
> Philly radio is a prime example. One group owns most of the stations.
> The classic rock station plays the same songs by the same artists til
> the end of days. There is one rock station. Music gets pre-empted for
> sports. Too many HOT HITS stations. Commercials forever.
> AM is highly susceptible to noise and dropouts - nature of the beast.
> It's a little thing, but now my car has BlueTooth/Aux in, so I can
> listen to my own choices. It makes the ride pleasant.
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