N. Albert via plug on 14 May 2024 14:21:12 -0700

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Re: [PLUG] Network question

I'm going to disagree and say that I've heard some not so good things about Linode from somebody who heard unsavory things about goings on there from an employee, which I don't want to repeat here since it was kind of off the record, but they were not things that gave me warm fuzzy feelings about setting up workloads with them. And I think even here it came up recently that Vultr was doing unsavory things as well.

Personally, I've used a number of VPS providers over the years, including several which went belly up overnight or did things like doing a migration and losing all your data, that don't exactly endear you to them (though I've never suffered data loss myself since I was prepared for that). Some of those were ultra-low cost VPSes though and you certainly do get what you pay for.

For the past several years, I've been using Digital Ocean, which I've been very happy with. Unlike AWS, it's a flat-rate VPS, and they don't throttle you. Also works for SMTP, so that's my main email relay, accepting some mail there and forwarding other internal mail onwards over a VPN tunnel.

Their cheapest VPS starts at $4 per month. If you want to give Digital Ocean a try, you can use this referral link, which (disclaimer) would give us both some free credit: https://m.do.co/c/cb5744b400ef

However, regardless of if/how you sign up, I can personally say I would not be comfortable using Linode or Vultr with some of the things I have heard. Most of the people I work with have switched to using Digital Ocean for their workloads from Linode or other stuff (including me, I switched to it at somebody else's recommendation). I can't say that Digital Ocean is perfect either, and I'm sure it's not, but so far the performance is good and I haven't had any issues* with them. For anything ultra-sensitive or with large disk/storage requirements, I usually run that on-premises anyways for security or cost-effectiveness.

*The only minor issue is that sometimes some RBLs are really stupid and penalize entire Digital Ocean IP ranges due to spam... but IMO a) these are garbage RBLs in the first place, since that's a garbage spam detection technique so these are untrustworthy RBLs and nobody should be using those anyways and b) in practice, I have never really had email delivery issues anyways, with everything set up properly, just showing up on one or two RBLs out of a large number of them, purely because of the IP range, and I can't say this wouldn't happen with other cloud providers as well. But if IP reputation is a big concern, you should probably bring your own IP anyways.

On 5/14/2024 2:40 PM, JP Vossen via plug wrote:
+1 for Linode.  I've had a tiny $5/mo VM there for years and been very happy.  I was a little worried when Akamai bought them, but so far so good.  My VM hosts my web site and external DNS, and it's my mail and VPN/SSH relay as well, expressly for the reasons discussed in the rest of the post (that I mostly trimmed).

On 5/14/24 02:05 PM, John Kreno via plug wrote:
What Rich mentions is a good solution

On Tue, May 14, 2024 at 1:50 PM Rich Mingin (PLUG) via plug <plug@lists.phillylinux.org <mailto:plug@lists.phillylinux.org>> wrote:

    Is the default answer no longer Linode? I still have my front-end VPS
    with them. I actually bypass my need for having direct SSH home by
    using a VPN to my Linode, and routing lots of stuff through there.

    On Tue, May 14, 2024 at 1:43 PM Steven Grunza via plug
    <plug@lists.phillylinux.org <mailto:plug@lists.phillylinux.org>> wrote:
     > Any recommendations for a VPS provider?  I'm looking for someplace to have a MQTT / MQTT-SN broker while I work on an IoT project.
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------
JP Vossen, CISSP | http://www.jpsdomain.org/ | http://bashcookbook.com/

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