Walt Mankowski via plug on 30 May 2023 16:24:57 -0700

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Re: [PLUG] Backing up Windows to Linux

On Tue, May 30, 2023 at 03:04:33PM -0400, JP Vossen via plug wrote:
> On 5/28/23 08:48 PM, Walt Mankowski via plug wrote:
> > On Sun, May 28, 2023 at 01:34:38PM -0400, JP Vossen via plug wrote:
> > > https://tech.slashdot.org/story/23/05/28/0124209/microsoft-announces-cloud-powered-os-backup-and-restore-for-windows-11-better-arm-support
> > > I want to be horrified about having this in the MS cloud, but then
> > > many folks have exactly that in the Google or Apple clouds for
> > > phones, though granted the risk-of-loss factors for phones are
> > > higher than for PCs sitting at home.  Risks for laptops are probably
> > > a lot closer to phones though...
> > 
> > FWIW Apple has sold a LOT of phones, and many if not all of them are
> > backing up and sharing data via iCloud. Syncing can often take a
> > while, and sometimes you can end up with duplicated data. (These were
> > both more of a problem in the early days of iCloud.) However, I've
> > never heard of anyone losing data. I feel confident it would be all
> > over the tech press if it was an issue.
> I was assuming that 100% of iGadgets save everything to the iCloud, and that the people who own them are mostly OK with that.  Convenience over privacy or data ownership.

I was really only addressing the data reliability point that was
raised, and not any of other perfectly valid points you raised.

> Then there's Google, which periodically locks people out of their
> entire account (read life) with no recourse.  Just (ironically)
> google for that.  You don't hear that as much about Apple or MS,
> probably because there is more of a paid-for relationship there.

If you ever do get locked out of your Apple account, there are real
human beings you can talk to who can try to get you unlocked.

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