I will be at Blue Door this Sunday the 15th.
Continue work on Raspberry Pi weather station.
Last Pi meeting Bob gifted a weather station that uses them 1-wire protocol. The Pi can do 1 wire on gpio4. You would needs to enable it in raspi-config. I looked really quick on the protocol: actually requires 2 wires but one is data. It is pretty cool the sensors are Daisy chained and I'd themselves. In the Pi look at /sys/bus/w1/devices.
So these weather station use telephone cables to interconnect. Rj11. So I ordered a rj11 breakout which means you don't need to cut the cables. I'll order another one for Bob's station so you could hook it up easily with a breadboard.
All are welcome to attend. Linux Pi Arduino hardware hacking.
I may be a little late as this is the busy season at work. Give me till noon to show.