Jim on 10 Jun 2010 10:49:25 -0700 |
Hi Mike, I'm interested in attending. Please sign me up! --Jim Snavely On Wed, Jun 9, 2010 at 4:51 PM, Michael Bevilacqua-Linn <michael.bevilacqualinn@gmail.com> wrote: > Hello folks, > > We're hosting something cool at work, a chapter of the NoSQL Summer reading > group! > > http://nosqlsummer.org/ > > The idea is that it's a reading club focused around a bunch of papers > touching on distributed systems and the non-relational datastores we've come > to know and love in the past few years. Not only is it the nerdiest thing > you can do with an evening (with the possible exception of restoring an > Apple II so you can run your beloved BBS while watching episodes the > original Star Trek), it'll be a rousing good time. > > Our first paper will be the BASE paper, which can be got from here: > > http://nosqlsummer.org/paper/base-vs-acid > > And the requisite google group is here: > > http://groups.google.com/group/nosql-summer-philly > > First meeting date is Wed, June 16th from 7:30pm-830pm, on the 45th floor of > the Comcast Center. If anyone is interested, let me know and I'll add your > name to the list so you can get into the building. > > Thanks, > Mike > -- --Jim