Bonnie Aumann on 10 Jun 2010 12:33:22 -0700

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Re: Meeting Format Feedback

> - Asking for feedback

What would this be?  (probably +1)

A 5 minute intro to what is good feedback and how to ask for it. With Examples! I'd probably ask to borrow that book of yours, Confessions of a Public Speaker =)


> - Theory of Constraints, a brief demo

Sounds like a win as well - can you explain more?

Eli Goldratt's The Goal is the more readable version of his Theory of Constraints. Somewhat simplified,  it states that a system's throughput is limited to it's most constrained part. In order to move faster, either the capacity of the constraint must be increased or its load distributed elsewhere. This is much easier to see than it is to put words to.

