Mat Schaffer on 7 Jan 2008 05:46:31 -0800

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Re: [PhillyOnRails] Hey, list... Wake up!

  • From: Mat Schaffer <>
  • To:
  • Subject: Re: [PhillyOnRails] Hey, list... Wake up!
  • Date: Mon, 7 Jan 2008 08:46:13 -0500
  • Dkim-signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=gamma; h=domainkey-signature:received:received:message-id:from:to:in-reply-to:content-type:content-transfer-encoding:mime-version:subject:date:references:x-mailer; bh=Z5DAqjPF6F/cjZcfrru5g59wnBugx2fL/U/yYb1xWJI=; b=OPKI9oTLKObNkvNIn647jbBZwwkTnnGvHMIou3JLemRcabCrJkyPRf7uPTMSxAvYYzbJPGztZhCn7oNgN44Xfug6/h1ZZ15UpsB7wQkZLrrFA4dtHce4X7B7n9iaNgD66sSXNgukPBBg+8F6E6sWOE5lmaiBOdWOovRwnig/4S8=
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On Jan 6, 2008, at 5:15 PM, Toby DiPasquale wrote:

Hey everybody,

Where's everyone been hiding? Does no one have any comment on Zed's ghetto rant? Anything else?
This rant actually made me glad in a way.  I take it as yet another  
sign that ruby on rails is progressing out of it's honeymoon period  
and is about to become a permanent fixture in software development (if  
it's not already).  I'm only guessing, but articles like this can  
probably be found for most major technologies and would be hard to  
find for technologies that still aren't getting much use.  *sniffle*  
our language is growing up *sniffle*
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