On Jan 8, 2008, at 11:17 PM, Mat Schaffer <
schapht@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Jan 8, 2008, at 4:36 PM, Brian Donahue wrote:
>> The Philly ALT[dot]NET group is doing our first pub night next
>> Wednesday, and I expect 10-15 people. I'm wondering how you've
>> found Chaucer's for your pub nights, in particular the seating,
>> space for a group that size, ability to converse without screaming,
>> and hopefully without breathing second hand smoke? I guess the
>> latter is a lot less common in Philly these days anyway. If you
>> have other suggestions, I'm all ears.
> Chaucer's is great like people said (except the no wifi part). The
> 2nd floor is usually completely empty on weeknights (although not
> always heated). And there's also a 1st floor room toward the back
> with tables. And no smoking inside of course.
> I have one very important request. PoR has a good relationship with
> the establishment, so please work to do the same. Try to call a
> week advance to let them know you're coming, (215) 985-9663. The
> best time to call is at 5:30p-5:45p because they've just opened and
> don't have many customers to attend to. They may assume you're with
> PoR, so maybe explain a bit.
> Once you're there identify yourself as the organizer so they know
> who to talk to should they have any trouble with the tab or
> remembering peoples names.
> I'd say the same protocol should stand for any location really.
> Call in advance consistently, tip well, and you should be in good
> favor with the establishment in no time.
> Good luck! I'd come myself, but between PoR, Philly Lambda and my
> new PS3 I think I'm gonna consider this month booked.
> -Mat
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