mjd-perl-pm on Wed, 1 Mar 2000 15:36:58 -0500 (EST)

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Password generator

Here's what I use:

The -n300 option tells it to generate 300 passwords; it generates one
by default.


use Getopt::Std;


@fruitcake = split //, '~`!@#$%^&*()_+-=[]{}\|;:\'",.<>/?';
$dict = defined($opt_d) ? $opt_d : '/usr/dict/words';
my $nwords = ($opt_n || 1) * 2;

open DICT, $dict
    or die "Couldn't open dictionary file `$dict': $!; aborting";

while (<DICT>) {
  next unless /^.{3,4}$/;	# 3- and 4-letter words only
  next unless rand() < $nwords/$count;
  if ($GOT >= $nwords) {
    $words[$nwords * rand] = $_;
  } else {
    splice @words, rand(@words+1), 0, $_;

close DICT;

while (@words) {
  print randcap(shift @words), 
        $fruitcake[rand @fruitcake], 
        randcap(shift @words),

sub randcap {
  my $w = shift;
  ($w, ucfirst $w, uc $w)[rand 3];
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