Barry Veinotte on Thu, 30 Nov 2000 18:29:29 -0500 (EST)

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RE: Re: Fwd: Win32 Talk

> Great suggestion, and one that I completly overlooked.  I will gather as much
> material on this as I can, and see if I can find something that will do it, but
> I don't know if that's possible.  (Espcially with the Unix compilation.  I
> don't know much about the binary formats for executables, but I don't think the
> ELF or a.out exe's will be compatible.  At the very least you would need a
> compiler that groks the Win32 binary spec, whatever that may be, and can output
> a compatible binary.  I would think, though, that this would require you to
> compile it on a native platform, seeing as I don't think such a compiler (or
> compiler back-end) has been written.)
> ActiveState does have a facility for making exe's out of Perl scrips, but I
> don't know how mature, how stable, or how able to compile all of the
> Perl universe that is.
> So for right now, I have nary an idea of how/if this can be accomplished, but I
> will gather as much info as I can and find you some answers.  
> Thanks for your suggestion, John, and I saw your QTk stuff on CPAN today. 
> Cool! : )
> Thanks,
> Sean.

perl2exe does this on Win32 machines. I only tried the free version, 
and wouldn't buy the full package because it failed on Tk packages 
which was what I really wanted it for.

Other scripts were converted fine, but I couldn't get it to work with Tk. It
kept failing to find modules that were there. Haven't checked into it lately
but the url is:


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