Adam Turoff on Fri, 27 Jun 2003 10:23:28 -0400

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Re: Idea: Crossbreed a source code control system and a wiki

On Fri, Jun 27, 2003 at 09:45:52AM -0400, Kurt Starsinic wrote:
> On Jun 27, Adam Turoff wrote:
> > FWIW, I used to work on a system mostly written in FORTRAN where there
> > was one function/sub definition per file.  That part of the model *can*
> > work.
>     What would you do about, e.g., file-scoped variables to be shared
> by several functions?  The last time I wrote FORTRAN (far back in the
> last millennium), the only level of externally-sharable scoping was
> COMMON, so it wouldn't have come up in FORTRAN (or COBOL, I think).
> In Perl and C, though, as well as in many other "modern" languages,
> it's a real issue.

Ah, good point.

I think the Java solution is to not have file-scoped globals, but make
everything class-scoped.  The analog here is to make packages the unit of
granularity, much like it is today in practice.

But that practical matter means that a wiki where each sub/method has
its own entry is slightly more difficult to build, or at least assemble
into a full set of sources.


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