Michael W. Ryan on Mon, 1 Dec 1997 12:52:53 -0500 (EST) |
Caveat: this isn't an official response, just my own opinion as a member. Joseph Kotran writes: > Hello, Hello. > I saw your advertisement on comp.os.linux.announce. I have also > visited plug.nothinbut.net. I was wondering if someone could provide me > with a little bit of background info about PLUG. What type of crowd is > it? We're a group of Linux enthusiasts from a variety of backgrounds. We have people ranging from people working in the computer and networking fields to people in the science fields (I'm a chemist, myself) to people outside the scientific/technical fields. > Is the group formal/informal? I think we've always been somewhat informal. We usually do plan a month or so in advance as to what our topics will be. There is no formal meeting organization. > Are there any dues? No. > How many people > are active members? (i.e., How many show up at the get togethers?) I've seen anywhere from 8 to about 18 or so people at any meeting. Last month, when the topic was Linux evangelism in the corporate environment, we had a huge turn-out. I'd say our regulars number around a dozen or so people. After the meeting, you typically adjourn to a local restaurant to socialize and discuss whatever comes to mind. That group is usually a fairly consistent group of 8 or so people. > Any > constructive comments are appreciated. The group is very open, and we try not to cater to any one type of user. We have a good range of people from "gurus" to newbies. I would suggest coming to the meeting and seeing what we're like. -- Michael W. Ryan Email: mryan@netaxs.com WWW: http://www.netaxs.com/~mryan/ PGP fingerprint: 7B E5 75 7F 24 EE 19 35 A5 DF C3 45 27 B5 DB DF PGP public key available by fingering mryan@unix.netaxs.com (use -l opt)