Scott Fraser on Tue, 15 Dec 1998 11:19:20 -0500 (EST)

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Re: Bell Atlantic

Your "wet weather" problems could be caused by a "wet splice".

Actually it wasn't me, I had been talking about a friend of mine.  The
problems my friend had were on any given day regardless of weather, but
they are fixed now.  They came to put an additional POTS line in his
house, and he showed them the problem.  They ran some sort of test on
the line and said it was not up to spec.  They replaced some stuff,
maybe the local loop on his street, and ever since then he is online
with no problems.

Someone else on this list had a wet-weather problem, but thanks for the
info anyways, as it was useful.  (I do have to deal with many
voice/modem/ISDN/T1's with you guys)


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