Eugene Sotirescu on Fri, 15 Jan 1999 01:03:58 -0500 (EST)

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Re: unfortunately . . .

Sure enough, thanks.

(This is the paragraph from the fortune man page that misled me:
"The fortunes are output to standard output, while the names
              of the file from which each fortune comes  are  printed  to
              standard error.  Either or both can be redirected; if stan-
              dard output is redirected to a file, the result is a  valid
              fortunes  database  file.")

Walt Mankowski wrote:

> On Fri, Jan 15, 1999 at 12:09:07AM -0500, Eugene Sotirescu wrote:
> > . . . I can't seem to be able to build a fortune database.
> > Here's what I'm trying (RH 5.2):
> >
> >  /usr/share/games/fortunes
> > # /usr/games/fortune test > test.dat
> > fortune: test corrupted
> >
> > (test is a copy of an existing fortune file, called education).
> >
> > Anybody into this kind of frivolousness?
> Why not?
> fortune is used to read fortunes, but it isn't used to create the
> database in the first place.  For that you need the strfile command.
> (It's in /usr/sbin in my RH 5.1.)
> Just say
> /usr/sbin/strfile test
> and you should have a new file called test.dat.  Then
> fortune test
> should give you an education fortune.  Hey, at least it worked for me.
> Good luck.
> Walt Mankowski
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