LeRoy D. Cressy on Wed, 20 Jan 1999 22:54:49 -0500 (EST)

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[Fwd: Call for Linux Presenters]

Hi All,

This is an invite from the good folks at O'Reilly & Associates.  If
anyone wants to give a talk to them here is your chance.  Have a good

          0 0      L & R Associates
           "       Home Page:    http://www.netaxs.com/~ldc/
_______ooO ~ Ooo_______________________________________________

LeRoy D. Cressy     	 /\_/\		ldc@netaxs.com
Computer Consulting 	( o.o )		Phone (215) 535-4037
		 	 > ^ <		Fax   (215) 535-4285
--- Begin Message ---
Call for presenters for the O'Reilly Linux Conference!  We're looking
for experienced Linux developers who want to show the world how their
ideas and code have helped others. Submissions are due 15 February
1999.  For more information on the call for talks, see:

The Linux Conference, sponsored by O'Reilly & Associates, will be held
August 21-24, 1999 in Monterey, California.

--- End Message ---