Jason Costomiris on Sat, 23 Jan 1999 02:24:50 -0500 (EST)

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Re: Please don't email me and cc the list

On Mon, Jan 18, 1999 at 08:46:29PM -0500, Rebecca Ore wrote:
: According to the information I was working with, with sendmail, I didn't
: need a .forward file.  I had sendmail, and so needed a procmail that
: worked with that, not with qmail.  

This supposed "qmail version" is nothing of the kind.  It is a version 
of procmail that's patched to accomodate Maildir, as well as mbox and
mh folders.  If you've got a .procmailrc that looks like:

* ^FROM.*luser@lusernet.net

procmail will happily file the message in an mbox named "foo", in 

If you instead do:

* ^FROM.*luser@lusernet.net

It will attempt to deliver the mail to a Maildir named "foo".

If you've got a hashed spool directory, such as /var/mail/f/fo/foo, that's
not a standard way of doing things.  Don't blame procmail.

: Most of the more ridiculous flame wars stem from precisely this -- what
: you know is always easier than something new. 

Speaking as someone who's got more than a couple of years experience 
configuring sendmail, I love qmail.  Dan Bernstein has done a great job.

                 Jason Costomiris <><
            Technologist, cryptogeek, human.
jcostom {at} jasons {dot} org  |  http://www.jasons.org/ 

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