Martin DiViaio on Sat, 30 Jan 1999 13:25:28 -0500 (EST)

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Laplink for Linux?

This may wander a bit so please try to stay with me...

There is a program for Win95 called LapLink. This program allows remote
file sharing, chat and GUI control between two computers. It can do this
either with a direct connection, a network or through a modem.

I am told that remote GUI control is possible between two Linux machines
with X but is such a thing possible between Win95 and Linux? If so, is
it possible through a modem connection? How would I set it up (for BOTH
machines?) (Keep in mind that I while I am learning fast, I am still new
to Linux.) If not, is there any sort of software package that can do it?
Even if the package can only go in one direction (Linux controlling
Win95) I can live with it.

The only thing I can not do is run WINE with LapLink. I don't have
enough space on my HD to run WINE.

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