Christian Grigis on Tue, 1 Jun 1999 20:31:04 -0400 (EDT)

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Re: Newbie question upgrading Redhat 5.2

	Hello all,

On Tue, Jun 01, 1999 at 09:24:54PM +0000, ray beckler wrote:
> You could download everything but to me the $60 (BestBuy) was worth it.
> Just boot with the floppy, insert the CD, choose upgrade and you're done in
> a half hour.  I don't remember if I chose it, but it did change my window
> manager to Gnome/Enlightenment.  (it's pretty nice.)

	If you don't need paper documentation (or anything else that comes with
the RedHat box, I am not familiar with it), you can get the RedHat 6.0 CD
at for $1.99. They also have many other distributions
at ridiculous prices ($6.99 for the 4-CD full Debian 2.1, for instance). In
my experience, their service was great & very fast.

	Hope it helps,


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