Daniel G Roberts on Tue, 6 Jul 1999 14:03:22 -0400 (EDT)

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Re: [Plug] Which modem to buy for Linux

Hi Jason..that is what I thought..and at circuit city where I was I could not
find a modem labeled as a WINMODEM..  are these very common?? otherwise one of
those cheapy modems should work as long as it isn't a winmodem correct??>Dan

Jason M. Lenthe wrote:
> Whatever you do, don't get "winmodem" .  They're only half a modem, and
> they don't work with linux becuase they need special drivers to do what the
> hardware should be doing.
> Jason
> At 01:40 PM 7/6/99 -0400, you wrote:
> >Hello All
> >
> >I am still working with an internal 28k fax/modem
> >I would like to upgrade to a 56k fax modem..and I see LOTS of adds for cheap
> >modems at circuit city and etc.
> >My question is..what should I look out for when purchasing a fax/modem 56k
> which
> >will owrk with BOTH redhat and WIN95?
> >I remember hearing something about certain types of modems don't work with
> >linux.
> >
> >Any help is greatly appreciated.
> >
> >Thanks.>Dan
> >
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