Tracy Nelson on Mon, 12 Jul 1999 11:18:06 -0400 (EDT)

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Re: [Plug] Debian Install Problems

-----Original Message-----
From: Walt Mankowski <>
>All in all I have to say I'm a little disappointed with Debian,
>especially after all the great recommendations Wednesday night.
>Dselect is kind of cool, once you get the hang of it, but the install
>process could be a lot more user-friendly and I wish they had tools to
>configure things like sound and printing (or at least made it easier
>to find them).  Hopefully I'm through the worst part, though I have to
>admit that Red Hat 6.0 CD (also ordered from Cheap Bytes) is starting
>to look awfully tempting.

Yeah, I spent a couple of months trying to get everything configured the way
I wanted it, but never did get it all figured out.  I guess if I was a
full-time Debian developer who had been using this stuff for a couple of
years, I'd love it, but I'm not and I don't.  I keep wondering if I just got
some bad CDs (I used the LSL Debian 2.1 set), because I had some real
problems with dselect.  Never could get Enlightenment, GNOME or KDE to work
(I couldn't even get Enlightenment to *install*), couldn't get diald to
work, couldn't get Samba configured (which was weird, because I had it all
set up on my old RH5.1 system).  I figure there's just a particular "Debian
way", and once you get your head around it everything just falls into place,
but I never did.  Maybe too much NT & VB use has rotted the Unix part of my
brain (or sucked it up with "concept bloat"!)

-- Tracy Nelson

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