Greg Lopp on Wed, 14 Jul 1999 15:03:29 -0400 (EDT)

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Re: [Plug] Let's take the more ambitious path

You know, this has all been very entertaining to watch - angry emails flying
every which way.  I am very curious though....does anyone still have a copy of
Charles' original question/request.   I'd really like to know what all the fuss
has been about.

Perhaps we can start from here (his exit) on a thread about how not to drive
away the short tempered?

Charles Stack wrote:

> >There is nothing wrong with trying... but your wrong in thinking that
> >there are unemployed developers lurking here.  There is no such animal.
> >Anyone with the ability to do a project like the one you outlined is
> >already up to their elbows in work.
> Maybe.  Maybe not.  I debated whether your message justified a response
> considering we're trying to remain on topic.  But, you speak of my having an
> attitude.  Funny, I don't seem to have this problem on other groups that I
> subscribe to.  I have tried, several times in the past to ask questions and
> elicit responses from the members of this group.  Ninety percent of the
> time, I receive no responses while innane converstation regarding such topic
> of "why Unix is like a female" raged on.  What I have found is that it
> appears that the subscribers of this list are the ones with the attitude.
> Mine is a direct result of yours. It's a catch22.
> >
> >To tell you the truth, your message looked to me like an attempt to get
> >a free consultation.  And the fact that you come back the very next day
> >with an attitude, shows that you have poor PR skills.  If getting your
> >employer to support Linux means anything to you, you better work on your
> >approach.
> Yes and no. Point taken.  I did not know where to find the libraries to
> solve the task I'm working on.  In the Windows world, I know my around.  In
> the Linux world, I figured that this was the place to ask.  How wrong I was.
> As for my PR skills.  I get the job done and my employer is quite pleased
> with my methods.  Going with Linux is a luxury and not a requirement.  The
> PR problems are more applicable to this group that seems to think that they
> should 1) Ignore anyone not an active participant and attending meetings 2)
> Rant, rave, and flame those individuals that dare to upset your cozy little
> world.  If you think I'm bitter with my experiences with PLUG, your're
> right.  My experiences with this group have been mostly negative with only a
> few flickers of positive enlightenment.  It's a shame, that the actions
> compromise all.  But, that's the case here.
> Occassionally, I see material that is posted on this list that is of
> relevance to me.  For that reason, I continue listening.  But, I am getting
> tired of having to defend myself simply because I dared upset the balance.
> And, for that reason, following this post, I will no longer be an active
> participant on this list server.  If I weren't already a Linux convert, I
> probably would walk away from the whole movement altogether.   The fact that
> the newsgroups tend to be a friendlier environment for what amounts to
> essentially newcomers is another good reason why I will remain a Linux
> convert.   But, this group holds little for me.  So, be happy...You chased
> one away.  (Three Cheers...Hallalluia...he's gone).
> At this point, I feel enough has been said on this subject.  I tried to end
> this go nowhere thread with my last post but you just had to resurrect it.
> Charles
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