Michael Whitman on Mon, 19 Jul 1999 16:02:56 -0400 (EDT)

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Re: [Plug] uninstalling

This is msql - a different program.  I couldn't find an uninstall file.
What do you do if there is not an uninstall file - just erase the program?
In Windows NT you always have an uninstall program, or you have the
ADD/REMOVE control panel.  I am new to Linux and have figured out how to
use rpms and run installation scripts in tarballs.  I am wondering how to
uninstall stuff in general in linux.

At 02:54 PM 7/19/99 -0400, you wrote:
>In my copy of the mysql [version mysql-3.22.14b-gamma] make file, there is a 
>target for uninstall...
>[user@host mysql-3.22.14b-gamma]$ make uninstall
>should do it I suppose...
>"It's kind of fun to do the impossible." 
>    -- Walt Disney 
>On Mon, 19 Jul 1999, Michael Whitman wrote:
>> I installed msql on my RH 5.2 box.  I followed these instructions...
>>               1.Unpack the source code.
>>               2. In the root directory of the distribution type "make
>> target". This will create a
>>               "symbolic link tree" for your platform under the targets/
>> directory. For example, on 			a BSD/OS machine you may end up with a
>> replica of the source code directory in
>>               targets/BSD_OS-2.1-i386/
>>               3.Change directory to the target directory for your machine.
>>  			4.Run the setup utility (Note: use ./setup to ensure you get the mSQL
>> setup 			utility and not a system utility).
>>               5.After setup has completed, you can edit a couple of
>> defaultconfiguration values 			in site.mm if you wish. When you are happy
>> type "make all"
>>               6.If the compilation of mSQL completes properly, type "make
>> install" This will 			install all
>>               the mSQL related files under /usr/local/Hughes (or whatever
>> directory you set as 			the
>>               install directory in site.mm) You may need root access to
>> perform this step.
>> Now I want to uninstall it.  How?  I looked for the add/remove icon but I
>> couldn't find it. (that was a little joke.)
>> In NT it is a bad idea to just erase files without running an uninstaller -
>> but in Linux maybe it is ok?
>> -Mike
>> Michael P. Whitman
>> Online Services Developer
>> American Lawyer Media
>> PaLAWnet - DeLAWnet
>> mailto:michaelw@palawnet.com
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Michael P. Whitman
Online Services Developer
American Lawyer Media
PaLAWnet - DeLAWnet


Plug maillist  -  Plug@lists.nothinbut.net