Morgan Wajda-Levie on Thu, 9 Sep 1999 11:24:27 -0400 (EDT)

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Re: [Plug] a question of terminology..

I seem to remember Vale saying that he had been running his box in Y2k
for a while at the last meeting.  Just so he can know nothing funky
will happen next year. :)

On Thu, Sep 09, 1999 at 11:02:03AM -0400, Graham, John wrote:
> Sorry I know this is way left field, but what's up with the date?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: secher []
> Sent: Saturday, September 09, 2000 10:46 AM
> To:
> Subject: [Plug] a question of terminology..
> Ok, if we can't get htis straight, we can't ask the media to do
> otherwise.
> Hacking == working at programming, with the implication that there is a
> problem to be solved.
> Cracking == working at breaking into a supposedly secure system or
> software, with or without the use of programming tools.
> Ok?  I'm neither one, not qualified to be, but I have been around long
> enough to know the difference.
> Just a gentle reminder,
> Peace,
> Vale
> _______________________________________________
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> _______________________________________________
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Morgan Wajda-Levie
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