Chris Heerschap on Fri, 10 Sep 1999 18:33:52 -0400 (EDT)

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[Plug] Re: the voicenet/dsl saga

> If you're considering Voicenet, dont bother. This reminds me more of a
> bad racket than a serious business. I've absolutely no desire to support

Aren't there Voicenet folks on this list?

Either way, I have Voicenet for basic dialup and only keep it because
of the shell.  Pretty dumb, yes, but it's what I do right now.  I have
to say that every time I've dealt with them I felt like I was talking
to a wall.  Trying to get little things done was a royal pain in the
ass... and no matter who I talked to I got treated like a soccer mom
who doesn't know that the little tray that comes out of the computer is
*not* for holding cups.  Even telling them I'm a sysad has not helped.

Oh well.  They seem to be okay for simple dialup and connectivity and
such, but don't seem to want to be bothered with much else.

Chris Heerschap - UNIX Systems Mutilator/Postmaster

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