Brent on Thu, 16 Sep 1999 09:58:53 -0400 (EDT)

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Re: [Plug] Is there a GOOD browser out there?

Hmmm, I've seen those other browsers and I'm looking for a quick, stable,
graphically enhanced browser.  I love Opera but I'll have to wait a while
before it comes out.  And yes, I do test with multiple browsers thus making web
development very difficult considering that most users have win32 systems.  

On Thu, 16 Sep 1999, you wrote:
> The issue is not a browser that is more stable, but with what level of
>    support?  You've already tossed Lynx out by requiring GUI, but you may
>    find an acceptable browser at ... I've used
>    Chimera, Arena/Amaya and Phoenix (not listed?).
>    Generally, my use of those other browsers is when I need a lightweight 
>    browser with source and/or graphic support, otherwise I use Lynx.  
>    You're doing web developing ... do you test with multiple browsers??
>    andrew.  (
>    HAL's last concert ('Daisy Daisy') in October!  Buy your tickets now!!
> On Thu, 16 Sep 1999, Brent wrote:
> > Can anyone tell me where I might find a browser that's more stable than
> > Netscape Navigator that isn't strickly text-based?  What about HotJava?
> > Thanks.
> > 
> >
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