Hugh Brock on Tue, 21 Sep 1999 14:52:39 -0400 (EDT)

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Re: [Plug] MCP

Darxus wrote:
> I consider myself a Linux person, but my job is supporting a microsoft
> environment.  I know I'm not the only one.
> As my boss has decided that only people with an MCP (Microssoft Certified
> Professional) may have administrative privledges on our network, I now
> have a desire to obtain one.

I passed both of the VB6 tests (desktop applications, distributed
applications) using the Microsoft Mastering Series CDs. They are $100
apiece, which is annoying, but I actually found them to be better test
preparation than the books I bought. The tests were fairly difficult,
but not that difficult, since I passed them both on about two weeks of
work with the respective CDs never having written a line of VB code <g>.
At any rate, I assume there are Mastering Series CDs for the MCSE-track
tests as well, and I recommend them, even though it means sending
Microsoft an addition $100 of your money.

I took both tests downtown at a testing center at 1760 Market -- don't
remember the name of the place. It was convenient at any rate.

Good luck,

Plug maillist  -

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