Bill Jonas on Mon, 20 Dec 1999 23:31:32 -0500 (EST)

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Re: [Plug] what do people want out of plug talks

> I know this will make me sound like an old windbag, but I too object to
> language used occasionally on this forum. This has nothing to do with
> and everything to do with being able to control yourself in everyday
> If you can't do that you shouldn't be hanging out with the rest of us,
> includes some younger teenagers and possibly some who take their religion
> seriously. If this kind of language is the only way some people can
> communicate, they need to learn a lot more than Linux.

I know that this will make me sound like a young windbag, but Plug to me is
more like shooting the shi^H^H^Hbreeze around the water cooler or being at
the pub after work with the Bobs or BOFHs (do a web search) that you work
with, whatever the case may be, than being a group of computing
professionals.  We never promised, as the other gentleman wished, that we
are a group of computer professionals (although some are and some aspire to
be).  This is Philadelphia Linux *User's* Group, not Philadelphia Computer
*Professional's* Group.  I've seen no official charter; even if this were
strictly a forum for computer professionals, everybody lets their hair down
from time to time.  (Ever read Usenet's alt.sysadmin.recovery or (Or is it  My news
server quit carrying it.)?)  As I'm sure you're already aware, you can try
grepping the kernel source for your expletive of choice (hint: Common ones
work better  :) ).  In fact, a major software company's corporate attitude
is quite worse and more to the point than our attitude sometimes is.  Try
doing a web search for FYIFV.

I'm not saying that that justifies anything if we have the same attitude.
It's a fact of life, though, that many Linux people have a somewhat (?)
elitist attitude.  (Just hang out in #Linux on UnderNet.)  Not that anybody
here does -- I think that everyone's been very kind and helpful.

I don't know what I'm trying to say; I feel as though I'm rambling (which
probably means that I am).

I guess the point of all this is that I'll try to keep in mind *all* members
of the audience, and to tone things down a bit.  But frankly, somebody who
can't handle the phrase "RTFM" probably shouldn't delve too deeply into

I also do realize that posting in this forum is a privilege and not a right,
so it would be pointless to rant about the evils of censorship.  Freedom of
the press, after, belongs to those who *own* a press.  Frankly, I'm too lazy
to start my own mailing list.  ;)  I won't deny that I've acted childishly
here on occasion, and yesterday's post was (and still is) meant.

I'm not trying to be whiny or arrogant.  I guess I'm just trying to
acknowledge your message in the best way I can.  I don't know, I guess I
just feel at home enough with the PLUG folks that I can be myself.


Plug maillist  -