Michael W. Ryan on Mon, 3 Jan 2000 17:04:41 -0500 (EST)

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RE: apt (was: Re: [Plug] redhat 6.1 insllation)

On Mon, 3 Jan 2000, Darxus wrote:

> The number of packages avaiable on redhat's site has been very limited, in
> my experience.  I've gotten the impression that redhat has a larger
> archive of packages available only to people who give them money ?

They have a rather large contrib site, which has been moved off to its own
server and URL.  There is also their Powertools collection.  Neither of
these require money, AFAIK.  The issue with the contribs is that Red Hat
provides no support for contribs, other than providing the space.  All
contrib packages are provided as is at your own risk.

Michael W. Ryan, MCP, MCT     | OTAKON 2000
mryan@netaxs.com              | Convention of Otaku Generation
http://www.netaxs.com/~mryan/ | http://www.otakon.com/

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