Quincy on Thu, 16 Mar 2000 16:04:20 -0500 (EST)

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[PLUG] Totally Hosed my system!!!!!!

Don't know how I did it but my system wont boot!!  Here is what I was
doing before this occurred....
I was logged on a root (of course) and was trying to use GUI/bru to back
up my XFree86 files so that i could upgrade Xfree86.  I created a new
device under the config utility (/dev/hdb)and started the back up.  It
looked like it was going to take forever so i canceled the back up. 
Later i noticed that when I went to the root folder in KDE it said
"empty folder" (not good).  So I new I was screwed.  So I figured what
the hell why not reboot I am already screwed (probably not a good
idea).  When I re-boot I get the message "KERNEL PANIC: VFS: Unable to
mount root fs on 03:41"
Am I totally screwed and should i just re-install or can the dumb
actually be lucky and is there a way out?  Also what the hell



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