Steven M. Castellotti on Tue, 7 Nov 2000 13:39:09 -0500 (EST)

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Re: [PLUG] Question...

	I'll run a check over the traces this evening, thanks for the tip. I
have a voltmeter, but never got around to learning how to work the damn
thing, I guess this would be a good chance (it used to be my
grandfather's -- and dates back to the 70's, but maybe it'll suffice).

	As for removing the epoxy, I used a hobbyist knife, and occasionally a
razor blade to slowly scrape the epoxy away. It is all too likely that I
slipped at some point during this processes, but I was generally very
careful. I spread the process of removing the epoxy out over a couple of
nights, simply putting the thing down whenever my nerves grew

	I do believe I will take you up on that offer of help at the next PLUG
meeting... that would be the december meeting on journaling filesystems,

> Well yours sounds in better shape then your friends.  The first thing you
> wana check for on either is any broken traces.  if there are any sell it
> for spare parts :>  Second thing to check is to make sure all the pins in
> the socket are clean and come out a little to contact the new chip.(be
> carefull cause they can break off easy). You can use a voltmeter to test
> out the pins on the socket to make sure that you didn't disconnect the
> socket from the mb at any place. If this doesn't work your best be is to
> have someone desouder the existing socket and replace it with a new
> one.  I know a couple ppl realy good at this stuff so let me know if gets
> down to that.  mind if I asked how you removed the epoxy ?
> another thing it could be is the sodimm.  if either of you removed yours
> , remove it again and make sure its seated properly and no expoxy flakes
> are present. remnants of the goo removal I've never experienced this but
> its something a nice number of ppl have reported.
> If you want bring then to the next plug and i'll take a look at them for
> you.  i'll just have to jot a note to bring my toolkit.
> Hopefully we can get them working. If they turn out to be toast I'll be up
> from buying some of its parts from you.  and if your lucky you can find a
> broken i-opener on ebay with a working back board.( although thats the
> boad that gets destroyed the most oftem.)
> Hope this helps a bit.  Let me know how it goes.
> N-Tropy

Steve Castellotti
Systems Programmer
School of Arts and Sciences, University of Pennsylvania

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