MaD dUCK on Wed, 13 Dec 2000 12:47:44 -0500

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Re: [PLUG] RH 6.2 unstable?

also sprach Michael Leone (on Wed, 13 Dec 2000 12:25:51PM -0500):
> You sound opposed to windowed desktop environments, and not necessarily file
> managers. These are different things, as Jeff's post tried to point out.

not really. i run windowmaker with loads of terminals. i want multiple
terminals next to each other. however, i do most work on the command
line. my negative opinion about the desktop managers gnome and kde
stems from them crashing a lot (A LOT). yes, that was a long time ago,
but since then i have gotten even more comfy with the command line and
i don't need the fancy stuff anymore to get stuff done.

i think i fit into the micro$oft hater category with my choice of
using linux, not necessarily in the usability category. and in as such
i shouldn't make statements about what is right and what is wrong.
however, i never meant to give that impression, all i wanted to do was
voice my opinion.

> 3. Some folks don't like to HAVE to type everything; that's why Xerox
> invented the GUI, all those years ago.

i don't type everything. i have functions and aliases, scripts and
shortcuts. smart directory symlinks and so on. i use graphical
dockapps for windowmaker to provide me with information and i make use
of windowmaker's keyboard shortcuts to quickly bring up a browser in
X. however, i don't really want a "start" menu approximation or pretty
icons or windoze influenced window control buttons (min/max/close). i
don't want to be reminded of micro$oft crap when i use linux. and i
especially don't want to see a file manager display my files and my
directories. just touching the right mouse button for a context menu
makes me want to cry.

anyway, i'll stop here. let's not take this further. i know quite well
what i am talking about and i do have strong opinions so i doubt i can
carry on an objective discussion. i also have a sucky headache.


[greetings from the heart of the sun]# echo madduck@!#:1:s@\
nobody expects the spanish inquisition.

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