Jon Nelson on Mon, 16 Apr 2001 09:00:16 -0400 |
Dan, At the LILO prompt for your boot floppy type: linux boot=/dev/hda3 That's assuming that everything is in the same partition. If not you need to sub your boot partition for /dev/hda3. When it boots you will get a lot of error messages, don't worry about them. As root type: /sbin/lilo and you should be good to go after a reboot. If you want to make a boot floppy I believe it tells you how in the LILO man page or the HOWTO. Jon At 08:37 PM 4/11/01 -0400, you wrote: Hello all Trooper Jon S. NELSON Pennsylvania State Police Computer Crimes Unit Office: 610-344-4471 Page: 866-284-1603 (Toll Free) Nextel: 610-637-0707 (Private ID 8777) Alt. email: __()___ / | \ _____/___|_____\______ / __ (-) __ \ /__/ \____________/ \__\ \__/ \__/