Joseph B. Welsh on Fri, 1 Jun 2001 11:54:50 -0400

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Re: [PLUG] This isn't a new thread

Jeff Abrahamson wrote:

(was: [PLUG] User Accounts)


 Do you see the line in the headers that says something like

 References: <>

Fine. I didn't know that. I wanted to ask a quick question and that's how I did it.

 (Do you know how annoying it is to look, for example, for a social
 note from last week only to find, in the end, that it has sorted 2000
 messages further back because it was "a new message" that was created
 by replying to an old one from a couple months ago and changing the


You want to know what I find annoying.

It's when some one asks a question on a list and if they don't follow a certain etiquette in the asking. Whether it is a mail written in HTML, or a question that's been answered in a list FAQ, or when someone does something that I just did.

Ok Fine, They made a mistake. You went to great lengths to explain to me why what I did is bad form. The annoying part is that while you took the time to point out my mistake, You DIDN'T answer my question. You made no comment whatsover about it.

Was the question not valid becuase I didn't start a new thread correctly?
Did you have only enough time to comment on my mistake?

You obviously know more about list etiquette than I do.

So I ask you this:

Wouldn't this be friendlier...Answer the question first (even if you don't know) and then as a By the way...Explain the thread problem.

I not trying to start an argument. I thought the way you gave your "sermon" was slightly rude

Joseph B. Welsh

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