Jeff Abrahamson on Sat, 2 Jun 2001 14:30:06 -0400

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[PLUG] Debian and X

I installed Debian on my machine today. This would be a good thing if
it were not for the facts that

   (1) I'm in Europe (which is fun, but it means I'm far from my
       data and so feeling a bit of stress until I rsync my personal
       stuff over here)

   (2) I did this because my scsi disk died, and so I pirated the IDE
       drive from the machine I accidentally blew up by forgetting to
       flip that little switch over to 230

   (3) I'm more used to RedHat-like systems

   (4) I'm waiting for Murphy to kick in and something else goes wrong.

OK, the last is not so real.

Anyway, here I am with a machine that comes up under linux, but
without X. And I can't quite figure out what to apt-get to make X
work. I tried saying "apt-get install xterm", which installed a whole
bunch of stuff, but doesn't seem to have given me anything I recognize
for configuring and starting X.

Any assistance helpful. Google just keeps telling me about things
people try to install XFree86 4.0.x without deb packages...


ps: How am I sending this? On my boyfriend's Mac, which is hooked up
to a cable modem, and on which I am ssh'ing back to my machine in my
house in Philadelphia.


 Jeff Abrahamson  <>

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