Leonard Rosenthol on Fri, 31 Aug 2001 18:20:17 +0200 |
At 10:31 AM 8/30/2001 -0400, ian reinhart geiser wrote: As some of you know I gave my powerbook a bath earlier this week.
It was under warrenty so Apple sent me a new Keyboard, memory module and hard disk.
I can still spin up an access the HD a little, I can read some files via cat in single user mode but if I touch files in the tmp area the drive starts to click and sputter. Is there a way I can bring this drive up and ignore the area that the crash is in just long enough to copy off my data and then send the drive back? Put the drive in an external enclosure (SCSI, USB or FireWire) and then access it as a secondary volume, so that you then only access the files you want and don't have to deal with the OS itself.