Guillermo Moyna on Sat, 15 Dec 2001 18:30:19 +0100 |
Hi gang, Well, the drive I saved by swapping electronics started to act upon me now. The electronics I used were from a disk that was also failing erratically, and now it more the failures are more frequent than before... In any event, I think I can bring it back up again, but I don't have a SCSI HDD to put the system partition just yet. It'll be here next week. What I planned to do when I got the identical disk was simply: bash# dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdc Where 'sda' is the faulty disk I want to dd into the new disk, 'sdc'. Now, 'sda' is an 18 gig drive, and I have two 80 gig drives (IDE, hda and hdb) on the same machine with nothing on them. How can I use dd to make an image of 'sda' on 'hda' that I could then 'dd' onto the new SCSI drive I will get next week? TIA, Guillermo +==================-------------- --- -- - - - - Guillermo Moyna, PhD Assistant Professor of Chemistry Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry University of the Sciences in Philadelphia 600 South 43rd Street Philadelphia, PA 19104-4495 "The only existing things are atoms and empty space. All else is mere opinion" - Democritus, 370 B.C. Office: Grifith Hall 360 Phone: (215) 596-8526 Fax: (215) 596-8543 e-mail: WWW: - - - - -- --- -----------=================+ ______________________________________________________________________ Philadelphia Linux Users Group - Announcements- General Discussion -