Michael Leone on Sun, 16 Dec 2001 07:00:24 +0100

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Re: [PLUG] questions on an office-wide conversion

On Sun, 2001-12-16 at 00:13, Jason Costomiris wrote:

> : Very much more than a typewriter, actually. Especially for non-computer
> : people to figure out.
> How do you figure that?  When I start up Word, Abiword of KWord, I get
> a window that shows me what looks like a piece of papers.  I start 
> mashing keys, and look at that!  Letters, numbers and symbols start 
> appearing..  How is that not like a typewriter?

Hilight something; make it bold, in a different font, in a different
language, that blinks. 
Insert a sound clip/movie clip from the Internet, and play it.
Make it mail-merge.
Make a live hyperlink in the document.
Insert an embedded Excel spreadsheet, that automatically updates the
document whenever the spreadsheet changes.
Have an automatic footer inserted, that says "Page 1 of 10". And
increments the total # of pages, on every page, as you add/delete pages.

And so on, for about a billion other things I can do with Word (and have
done, at one point or other), that I can't do with a (standard)
typewriter and a sheet of paper. Doesn't matter that you (or I, or most
people) DON'T do any of these things; the point is you CAN, if you want
or need.

You weren't really serious, were you?


Michael J. Leone                  Registered Linux user #201348 
<mailto:turgon@mike-leone.com>    ICQ: 50453890     AIM: MikeLeone

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