Fred K Ollinger on Sun, 17 Mar 2002 14:34:34 -0500

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Re: [PLUG] SuSe 7.3 booting

> SuSe says it makes a boot floppy but it just gives a screenful of O1's
> I can boot from the SuSe CD if I start the install and quit and then 'boot
> current system' and then tell it my root directory - /dev/hdf7

Can you boot from cd? There are a few good rescue cds out there.

> I think I am fighting a couple of problems - maybe? My bios does not
> recognize the add-on card so a reference to hdf in my floppy boot is
> meaningless. Do I need to have the actual kernel on the floppy and boot it
> there? If so how do I do that? dd it over?  I did not actually make a
> kernel,, it was a SuSe install.

Usually there are disk images that are 1.4M and end in .fl or img. You can
use rawrite in win to make a floppy.

> If I wanted to 'can' the add-on and just put this on hda would I edit
> fstab and change all entries to hdf to hda? Then reboot, edit lilo.conf to
> hda and run lilo?

Do an fdisk -l to list the partition table so you can be sure.
Your idea should work once you can boot. Does suse still use lilo? I'm
just curious as most distros are moving toward grub. I still use lilo out
of laziness. :)

> Don't ask why the system is configured this way! I know it is strange. But
> I did it and I want to learn from it. I may not leave it this way!

I think you'll learn quite a bit if this is your first time.

Good luck,


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