Bill Jonas on Tue, 19 Mar 2002 13:10:33 -0500

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Re: [PLUG] SuSe 7.3 booting

On Mon, Mar 18, 2002 at 11:12:29PM -0500, Doug Crompton wrote:
> Does the floppy have to have a filesystem on it or just IBM formatted?

Neither.  At boot, the BIOS will load the first bit of the kernel, which
loads and uncompresses the rest of the kernel.  All that you have to do
is just "dd if=/vmlinuz of=/dev/fd0", "cat /vmlinuz >/dev/fd0", or some
other equivalent way.

> Actually the windows HD is just there. It was a drive someone gave me and
> it has win95 on it. I have no use for it.

In that case, why not put your root partition on it too?  You could make
hda1 around 16-32 megs for /boot, hda2 150 megs or so for /, and the
rest of it divide up somehow.  (Maybe a couple hundred megs for /tmp,
and so forth.)  Depends on how big the drive is.

Actually, I'm curious as to why the Linux drive needs to be set as hdf.
Is it a speed mismatch between drive and onboard controller or something
like that?

> How about a boot CD? is there a way to do that? That would
> work.

Sure.  The name for the standard bootable CD format is "El Torito".
Basically, it's just a bootable floppy disk image (1.44 or 2.88MB)
followed by a regular ISO9660 filesystem.  Lots of info can be found at
the other end of a Google search.  In fact, I recall one of the results
being an informative Microsoft Knowledgebase article, and I believe I
posted a link here sometime in the past.

Ah, I found it.  I'd post a link to the archive, but October and
September 2000 seem not to be there.  Here's the post:

Date: Tue, 31 Oct 2000 10:57:23 -0500
From: Bill Jonas <>
Subject: [PLUG] El Torito CD specifications

I was highly impressed with the technical info at
<>, "How
to Create an El Torito Bootable CD-ROM".  I thought others might find it

> My writer is on win2K though.

That's fine.  One thing you might want to do is instead of following the
instructions in the KB article and whipping out a disk/hex editor, just
make the .iso on Linux.  If you look at the man page for mkisofs, you'll
find a -b option.  This allows you to specify the boot disk image to use
for your CD-ROM image.  Probably the least you need to know about using
mkisofs is at <>.

Hope that helps.

Bill Jonas    *    *

Developer/SysAdmin for hire!   See

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