gabriel rosenkoetter on Wed, 24 Apr 2002 15:16:47 -0400

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Re: Mutt & Pine & GnuPG & Mental Health (Re: Urban EW (was RE: Ricochet and various wireless (was: Re: [PLUG] key-signing Thursday?)))

On Wed, Apr 24, 2002 at 02:42:17PM -0400, Time wrote:
> Why? Because MUTT attaches the signature instead of putting it into the
> message body while PINE puts the sig stuff into the body.

Mutt creates a PGP/MIME message according to RFC 2015. The real
solution is for U Washington to get with the program and support
that. Till it does, here's a procmail recipe to just change the
MIME type on incoming messages back to plain text (signatures are
plain text; the octet-string label is just so that they can be
called PGP for MUAs aware of that MIME type):

Use procmail as your local delivery agent and run all incoming
messages through this. (Note that this will irritate your mutt
users, but it's really easy for them to just do a |gpg --verify, so
they shouldn't whine much.)

Also, make sure you read the followup to that if you're using

gabriel rosenkoetter

Attachment: pgpYa2OBp3CqD.pgp
Description: PGP signature